Gameplay Journal Entry #10

Jenna Ward
2 min readMar 30, 2021

My first value-based game idea is about fake news. Essentially the player has to gain as many social media followers as possible in a certain amount of time. The player does this by sending out tweets, videos, and pictures that are ‘fake news.’ Every time a player posts something on social media the player will have options to choose from. Such as what social media platform, what category for their post, and what tweet. For example, the player chooses Twitter, celebrities for the category, and then a list of tweets relating to the category will display. Some of the tweets will have more fake news than others. The more fake news tweet will result in more followers. This is going to be a simulation game, the player is sitting at home, posting all of this ‘fake news.’ The core value I want to demonstrate is how the news and people treat ‘fake news.’ They just give the person posting it more popularity.

My second value-based game idea is still based around the fake news idea, but the player is the head of Twitter choosing what tweet/accounts to ban. An array of tweets will be displaying and the player will either choose to leave the tweet alone, suspend, or ban the account that tweeted it. However, the tweets will be actual tweets that were either left alone, suspended, or banned. If the player chooses the action that Twitter did in reality, the player will gain points. If the player reaches a certain amount of points in a certain amount of time, they win. The core value I want to demonstrate is similar to the first idea, except it shows how many bad tweets actually should be banned, don’t.

My third value-based game is related to Covid-19. There is a group of people in a room and the player has to make sure that all the people are keeping their mask on. If a person takes off their mask, the player has to click on them to make them put their mask back on. If the player doesn’t then the surrounding people have a chance of getting Covid-19. The player automatically loses if all of the people become infected. If everyone doesn’t get infected, then after a certain amount of time the game ends. The player’s score is determined by the number of people who remain uninfected. The core value I want to demonstrate is the importance of wearing a mask during this time and to show how fast Covid-19 can actually spread if everyone isn’t taking the correct safety measures.

