Gameplay Journal Entry #4

Jenna Ward
1 min readFeb 10, 2021

After looking at some of the projects on, I decided to write about Isabelle Aver’s project. Her goal with this project is to show how to create art through hacking games and exposing their glitches. She wants to open a new medium, video games, for artists to create artwork. One example is Mer Rose Claire’s work, which is a part of Aver’s project. She was able to create abstract patterns and peaceful marine scenes through machinima. This mod’s aesthetics and mechanics relate perfectly to Alexander Galloway’s concept of counter-gaming.

In Galloway’s “Countergaming” chapter in his book, “Gaming Essays On Algorithmic Culture,” he mentions “…countergaming replaces play with aesthetics, or perhaps something like the play of signification” (Galloway 115–118). In Aver’s project, there is no gameplay included in the games they modded. The player is only supposed to view and develop feelings towards the abstract artwork that was created. As explained by Galloway, the gameplay in Aver’s mod replaces the game’s gameplay with aesthetics. I have never thought of using a mod to this extent. Having video games become a medium for artists is certainly interesting and I’m curious how this project will look like more into the future.

Video for Isabelle Arver’s project; found on


“Countergaming.” Gaming: Essays on Algorithmic Culture, by Alexander R. Galloway, University of Minnesota Press, 2010.


